Artist Statement
George received his BFA from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. His current calling card reads, “George Lottermoser, imagist, making art in various media since 1964.”
He’s earned his keep as a self-employed graphic designer, photo journalist, professional photographer, art director, and part time adjunct faculty member at Columbia College, Chicago; where he taught Visual Design for Interactive Multi-Media.
George has continuously created self-expressive, Fine Art …exhibiting in numerous galleries and museums, and states, “My art arises from a life-long love of how people, places, and things appear; and how the look of people, places and things cause us to feel and think. Poets, artists, and musicians capsulize and amplify our universal spirits. An alchemical magic occurs when composing, mixing and blending; whether colors, sounds, symbols, gestures, pencil, pen, or brush marks… whether applying a chisel to wood or stone… melting, burning, glazing, fuzing… weaving, forming… plucking a string, breathing over a hole in a tube… all these sights and sounds have the potential to communicate powerful universal feelings, thoughts, recollections, and new experiences and stories which can cause us to weep or laugh… manifest goosebumps… take our breath away… and provide infinite fascination for any creative spirit; whether as creator or as audience/spectator.”