Some many years ago Sonny Carter began the Friday Flowers tradition over on the LUG (Leica User Group) email list. Yesterday Lawrence Zeitlin began what may become a new new tradition: Weird Wednesday with this deer triptych. This past Sunday Ann wanted to drive out into the country to see the fall color. We decided to drive West and a bit North toward Holy Hill. We could expect to find, hills, winding 2 lane roads through forested land and, ultimately, a fine view from the highest point near us. Along the way we found these fellows, who apparently had the same idea, on the road to holy hill:
(click images for larger view)
Leica M8, 28 mm Summicron
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Hello George! long time no talk/see, I googled your website to show a friend your photography because they are looking for someone to shoot there wedding next August and every time I think of photography i still think of you. As i wandered through your website i noticed these pictures, you say its by Holy Hill? I have been going for motorcycles rides out there since the leaves began to change and i have never seen this setup before!! I am now going to ride untill i find these motorcycleing skeletons! I hope all is well with you and the family! Best wishes -Paul Markiewicz
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