…determines what we see, hear, taste, feel, and yes, think.
Shift your point of view and everything changes.
Photographers, artists, writers, poets… know this.
Change the filters, look from above, or below. Stand in another’s spot. Look through their eyes.
Get out of your car. Take a walk. Sit on the ground. Ride a bike. Go to the roof. Paddle a kayak or canoe.
Yesterday afternoon I biked the 5 miles to Cedarburg; with journal, pen case and cameras.
I intended to sit somewhere along the river and catch up in my journal.
The journal never came out of the bag. Though the camera did.
These days I feel enchanted by the IR filtered renderings of my surroundings.
They mirror my feelings during these hot summer days;
compelled, as I am, to pedal through time and space.
As I am.
(click photograph for larger view)
Leica M8, 40 mm Summicron w/ B+W 93 Infrared Filter