(Click on images for larger view)
Tulips, Leica R8/DMR, 100mm Apo Macro Elmarit
Tulip, iPhone 6s, Zeiss 40-80 Macro
Wabi Sabi, iPhone 6s
Museum of Wisconsin Art, Office, Leica M8, 40mm Summicron
Museum of Wisconsin Art, Office II, Leica M8, 40mm Summicron
Rye Starter Sourdough Bake, with toasted pecans and craisins, iPhone 6s
Rye Starter Sourdough Bake, with toasted pecans and craisins, view II, iPhone 6s
Rye Starter Sourdough Bake, with toasted pecans and craisins, view III, iPhone 6s
Rye Starter Sourdough Bake, with toasted pecans and craisins, the crumb, iPhone 6s
Daffodil Buds, Leica R8/DMR, 100mm Apo Macro Elmarit
Daffodil Center, Leica R8/DMR, 100mm Apo Macro Elmarit
Straight Sourdough, iPhone 6s
Straight Sourdough view II, iPhone 6s
Daffodil after cold April rain series, Leica R8/DMR, 100mm Apo Macro Elmarit + 2x Apo
in the daffodils with iPhone 6s with iPro Century S2 Macro