Invite Miracles and Transformations You owe it to yourself to create a sacred time and space, in your busy life, to experience Creative Encounters with the Source of Creativity.
We then enter the realm of natural miracles and transformations. By using our senses without labeling the input; by allowing ourselves to fully gesture, move, draw, paint, sculpt, arrange, sing, dance, and employ all our nonlinear modes of creativity we invite new possibilities of engagement in and with the world. We seek and experience an authenticity in synchronicity with nature. |
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One such example: Di, a staff guide in the Summer 2002 Dancing in DeLight weekend, followed her intuition. While still at home Di picked up a fabric representation of a dragon fly. She brought it to the weekend without knowing why; she simply trusted the natural insight process. She proceeded to lovingly and instinctively create a beautiful mask. On that mask she allowed her subconscious to guide her in placing her fabric dragon fly on the nose of the mask. |
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Later, during a break, and long after placing that symbolic dragon fly on her lovely mask, she lay down on her back, in the grass outside the Center for Creative Learning. In the shade of the trees near the Milwaukee River a living dragon fly, the same general hues as Di's symbolic dragon fly, landed on her own nose. Now this may not qualify as a miracle. However when that same lovely creature landed on Di’s nose 68 times over a period of some 20-30 minutes. That, for me, qualifies as a miracle, and a remarkable example of synchronicity. Only Di and the dragon fly can know the meaning and ultimate results of such an encounter. I had the honor of witnessing this joy filled miracle. When Di called me over to photograph this process, I had no idea how extraordinary this event really was — only later when she brought her mask out — did I feel the power of it all. |
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Another example: Long ago, as a young child, AJ received a report card which included a less than satisfactory grade for an art class along with the added note, "AJ does not take his art seriously." This note, from an uninspired teacher, who failed to understand that each of us enter this world with unique abilities to connect to our Creative Source through nonverbal gestures, sent AJ and probably his parents a false message. And AJ came away from this wrong-headed labeling experience thinking, "I am not creative." |
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As a participant in the Summer 2002 Dancing in DeLight weekend, AJ experienced the falseness of an early childhood judgement, by a foolish teacher; and put an end to an erroneous assumption he carried into his adult life regarding his innate ability to create beauty through connection to his Creative Source. I had the honor of witnessing this transformation. |
These two examples represent only the least subtle "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." Over decades of working in the realm of Creative Encounters in my own life and in the work that I have done facilitating the Spiritual Warrior Weekends, Dancing in DeLight weekends, and Creative Encounter colloquiums I have witnessed countless miracles and transformations. While some appear very subtle, others inspire awe in those witness them with me. — George Lottermoser “I feel astonished at the miracle that is Dancing in DeLight. When I heard the weekend was about creativity and mask making, I had no plans to touch it with a thousand-foot pole, as I have carried the belief most of my life that I am not creative artistically. The ONLY reason I attended was because I was guaranteed that being an artist wasn’t a requirement. This weekend is dramatically different from other weekends held at the Center. The mixture of play, sacred space, great food and totally supportive safety allowed me to go where I never knew I could indeed, where I never imagined I could. I learned that I have the ability to quiet the critical voice inside that told me I wasn’t artistic, go to deep places within myself, and create things I find beautiful! I also received the gift of discovering how *I* create that is different from anything I have ever experienced. I found beauty coming out of me effortlessly on paper, on my masks, and in my dancing! At one point during the weekend I remarked about creating: “I know almost exactly what I’m doing; and what I don’t know, I don’t need to know." In the personal work I have been doing over the past two years, Dance has become one of the most significant and important things I have done for myself. Since the weekend I continue to experience myself in new, deeper ways, including a still, quiet feeling of self-love and self-worth that reflects back to me from the world and people in it. I find myself dancing and celebrating through the world! Consider giving yourself the gift of this course. If you knew and felt what I know and feel, you would sign up immediately. Here’s a poem that flowed out of me, unbidden, in about 30 seconds before I created one of my masks oh yeah, I didn’t think I was a poet, either: “I would recommend this weekend to anyone to further explore the God given gift of creativity each one of us has. This weekend helped me reach further within and to explore my creative self with freedom and love. It is with divinity I allow my creativity to soar. I am now taking drawing lessons something I have always wanted to do.” — Judy, seeker, 2006 Dancing In DeLight Creative Encounter Weekend “I thought the weekend went smoothly. It was fun and something new. I felt like I got to know myself a little better and felt at peace with myself. I wouldn’t change a thing about the weekend because everything went so well. If anyone is thinking of taking this weekend I advise them to do it.” — Amber, seeker, 2006 Dancing In DeLight Creative Encounter Weekend “The whole thing was perfect. Couldn’t find anything i didnt like. I gained three masks, a new friend or two, heard some pretty good passages.” "Through the mask making, I received insights and evidence about my spiritual progress. This weekend was a uniquely sacred and peaceful experience which continues to inform me during reflection on it." "I see how productive the weekend was for both seekers and staff. We all wear many masks to hide from what is outside and inside. That and the E-prime concept provided much food for thought." "As a staff member of Dancing in DeLight I witnessed creative multi-sensory encounters in which people explored thought provoking concepts and ideas. What I gained from the weekend was a reminder of every day common ways to stay connected to the earth and myself." "Most importantly.... I found it very well done, energizing and healing. I have my masks nicely arranged on the wall above my desk. they present more than an attractive display! As you know I have a real affection for the concept of e-prime... Ienjoyed the opportunity to incorporate it into an entire weekend. My love to you all for your commitment to making it possible for others to discover the wonders within and without." — Bert Stitt, seeker, 2002 Dancing in DeLight Creative Encounter Weekend |