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Vets Journey Home truly supports our veterans

by admin on September 16, 2009

We have the honor of launching, this very evening, a freshly redesigned web site for Vets Journey Home, a remarkable group of caring souls who offer a much needed, healing weekend to our vets, at no cost, because they know that our vets have already paid.

“a unique weekend program for veterans, designed to help heal the emotional wounds of military service. The program was created in 1989 as The Bamboo Bridge, co-founded by VietNam veteran Christan Kramer, and a Sargeant Major’s daughter, Patricia Clason. They were committed to giving VietNam veterans the Welcome Home they deserved and helping them heal their hearts and bring peace to their souls.

Since then, our country has been involved in many conflicts and wars. They also discovered that the emotional wounds many veterans carry can also come from service in peacetime – it is not only combat that wounds the heart.

In 2005, VietNam veteran Gene McMahon took over the lead for this work and re-named the program Vets Journey Home, to be inclusive of all veterans. Today, Gene and Patricia are joined by other instructors and a large community of volunteers, both veteran and civilian, who desire to serve those who served our country, by offering this compassionate and welcoming retreat, where any story is heard without judgment.”

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John Zemler October 11, 2009 at 2:48 am

Congratulations on a wonderful re-design for the Vets Journey Home website. The folks at VJH really care about our veterans and ensuring that our troops make it all the way back home, not only in body, but also in mind and spirit.

While their previous website was informative, this new fresh re-design is exciting and will help people better understand the VJH mission. Volunteers, family members, and all who care about veterans will benefit. And, of course, the veterans who need to finish their redeployment back to the States will benefit from the new VJH website.

Well done! I plan to refer veterans and families to the new VJH website.

Semper Pax, Dr. Z


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