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Artist • Photographer • Graphic Designer • Illustrator • Typographer • Teacher • Creating effective visual messages since 1965

© 2023 George Lottermoser • All rights reserved

Friday’s flower

June 9, 2017

the sisters of the dying bloom arrive / though their visit is also short lived / they wore their flamenco skirts. (click photo for larger view) Hasselblad 500 CM/CF-39, 135 mm Zeiss S-Planar on Auto Bellows

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Capturing the illusive finch

June 7, 2017

This young house finch decided to set up housekeeping directly outside our front door. The pair spent a couple weeks attempting to create a nest. Windy days kept blowing their building materials off the beam. They tried construction between three different rafters before finally getting this one thrown together and ready to sit in. She […]

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Best intentions

June 6, 2017

I intended to return. To spend more time with you. You only lasted one day. Before returning. Lesson learned. (click image for larger view) You’re still beautiful; even in your process of returning. Hasselblad 500 CM/CF-39, 135 mm Zeiss S-Planar on Auto Bellows

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June 5, 2017

OK CREW ASSIGNMENT #4: B&W PORTRAIT OF A FEMALE! NO AGE LIMIT OF SUBJECT! BUT BY GOLLY WATCH THE LIGHT!:-) Good luck! submitted here by 12-june 2017, cheers, Dr.ted  O.C. (click photograph for larger view) I reviewed many files. How can one possibly decide on just one?

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Friday. New irises arise

June 2, 2017

(click photograph for larger view) Hasselblad 500 CM/CF39, 135 mm Zeiss S-Planar on Auto Bellows iPhone 6s, iPro 45x Super Wide Lens s2

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Getting reacquainted…

May 30, 2017

…with some of the neighbors. They make their voices heard throughout the night. Though prefer not to be seen. (click photograph for larger view)   Leica R8/DMR, 350 mm Telyt-R + 2x Apo Leica R8/DMR, 560 mm f:6.8 Telyt And this tree frog watching the hot tub refill iPhone 6s iPhone 6s, iPro Macro Lens […]

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Friday’s Chives

May 26, 2017

attempting to say goodbye to the Hasselblad… too hard… (click photograph for larger view) Hasselblad 500 CM/CF-39, 135 mm Zeiss S-Planar T* on Automatic Bellows

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May 23, 2017

A bombing in Manchester, 22 young people dead, and over 50 wounded. Stupidity in seats of power; climate change denial; and toxic poisoning of life support systems. An overcast day. Does the personal need to become ever smaller require that I sell all the tools of what was once my trade, craft and art? Like […]

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Friday: Iris…

May 19, 2017

words cannot describe incomprehensible beauty (click photograph for larger view) iPhone 6s, iPro 45x Super Wide iPhone 6s, iPro Macro Lens Series 2 Leica R8/DMR, 100 mm Apo-Macro-Elmarit-R

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Ted Grant Assignment: Red

May 16, 2017

First weekly assignment “THE COLOUR RED!” The subject content is your call, however the “COLOUR RED” is the mandatory aspect.  🙂 Now CREW let your imagination run wild! YOUR SUBMISION IS DUE 22-05-2017 And as long as I’m still vertical & breathing? 🙂 Heck I will be! I will endeavour to do critiques and pick […]

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