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Artist • Photographer • Graphic Designer • Illustrator • Typographer • Teacher • Creating effective visual messages since 1965

© 2023 George Lottermoser • All rights reserved

Just after…

November 11, 2016

…drinking the last of it / Just before drifting / out of this world. (click photograph for larger view) iPhone 6s

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Good morning sunrise

November 10, 2016

Each morning I open my eyes / and see this bottle / this morning i think, “can’t put the genie back in the bottle” / or should I rub it hope to be granted a wish or two? / (click photograph for larger view) iPhone 6s

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Contemplating fall

November 7, 2016

(click photograph for larger view) step out of the shower. look out the window need to put the hammock away for the winter. not yet. lay back. watch and listen to the leaves fall. leaf prints. I love them. and this: “How do I really feel? Like a leaf. As long as I’m needed, in […]

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Friday’s fall flora

November 4, 2016

overwhelmed by the fallen / with so many more hanging on / yet to fall / such is life amongst trees / (click photograph for larger view) Leica M, 75 mm Summilux

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Fall from my front porch

November 3, 2016

to look / and inhale / through the eyes / a deep sense / of season / and feel / blessed / in that moment (click image for larger view) iPhone 6s

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Following the call

November 2, 2016

I saw multiple reflections / in the shower / and followed the call to photograph them / only to find an apparition / I saw a fallen leaf / on the bathroom counter / and followed the call to photograph it / only to find a life-line within a canyon (click photograph for larger view) iPhone 6s

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Friday’s flora, fungi and old stuff

October 28, 2016

This past week / i reflected on past times / as i repaired a 100 year old fountain pen / with flexible 14 k gold tines / and a sac gone brittle into dust / (Settles Supremacy Pen, photographed with iPhone 6s, iPro S2 Century Macro) Then, on this overcast, chilly, fall morning / I pickup […]

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Monday’s monochrome

October 24, 2016

I think if fair to say / photographers startle easily / when they see certain things / (click photograph for larger view) Leica M, 75 mm Summilux

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Friday’s flour…

October 21, 2016

…fresh-out-of-the-oven sourdough bread baked a tad too dark, though with the brie tastes almost too magnificent; as I can’t stop eating them together (click photograph for larger view) iPhone 6s

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The Fallen

October 17, 2016

Front Porch Meditation for some the growing and saluting the sun every morning has ended and the returning has begun (click photograph for larger view) iPhone 6s, iPro s2 [Schneider] Century Macro

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