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Artist • Photographer • Graphic Designer • Illustrator • Typographer • Teacher • Creating effective visual messages since 1965

© 2023 George Lottermoser • All rights reserved

Just looking…

December 19, 2016

…and marveling (click photograph for larger view) Leica M, 50 mm Summilux Asph iPhone 6s, Schneider iPro Century 2x TELE

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December 16, 2016

(click photographs for larger view) Leica R8/DMR, 60 mm Macro Elmarit

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Deep freeze…

December 15, 2016

with a windchill of minus 25 degrees Fahrenheit / visualizing it / because / what can you say? / Leica R8/DMR, 60 mm Macro Elmarit (click photograph for larger view) iPhone 6s

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What have we here?

December 14, 2016

A discovery, revelation or a creation / More likely all three. a universe, within a roasting pan, within a tele phone iPhone 6s, iPro 2x Century Tele

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Settling into winter

December 13, 2016

iPhone 6s (click photograph for larger view)

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Each morning…

December 7, 2016

…presents a new view of the state of our world / iPhone 6s (click photograph for larger view)

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December 2, 2016

…a baker at Fiddlehead’s Coffee Shop, Thiensville, WI Leica M Monochrom, 50 mm Summilux Asph

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Waking up…

November 28, 2016

…within an other’s dream / wandering and wondering / where my dream went / and who’s in it. iPhone 6s (click photograph for larger view)

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Seeing eye to eye…

November 21, 2016

Do you see what I see? Or I you? Of course not. So… my fellow witnesses… tell me what you see so I can begin to understand… iPhone 6s (click photograph for larger view)

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Reading the coffee grounds…

November 17, 2016

after a wonderful lunch with Tanya / I remembered, fondly, half a century ago, / after dinner with the Buchaklians. / After a cup of Armenian coffee / Mrs. Buchaklian, with great sincerity and seriousness, / read the coffee grounds left in the cup / Today, in these Turkish coffee grounds, I see figures running. / Or […]

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