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Artist • Photographer • Graphic Designer • Illustrator • Typographer • Teacher • Creating effective visual messages since 1965

© 2023 George Lottermoser • All rights reserved

Cedar Creek…

February 9, 2017

a place providing sights, sounds / and rest for the mind; / no matter the season. / (click photograph for larger view) Leica M, 50 mm Summilux Asph

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Unexpected pleasure

January 31, 2017

The need for coffee beans sends me out into the crisp morning air. Patterns on the windshield cast shadows; and provide unexpected pleasure for the eyes. (click photograph for larger view) iPhone 6s, iPro Macro Lens Series 2

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ritual baking while passing…

January 26, 2017

 through time and space… and away / focus your heart-mind on a dearly departed friend / and his survivors / as you mix 3 different flours with water, sourdough starter, salt and sugar / focus your heart-mind on memories of each of them / as you stretch and letter fold the dough / first one way then ninety degrees the other […]

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Smart Gallery and Privacy

January 16, 2017

As a participating member of The smART Gallery on Facebook… and the current theme of “Privacy” I submitted: iPhone 6s (click photograph for larger view) From the Mobile Camera Club Web Site: The undisciplined granddaughter of traditional photography, mobile photography, made with a smartphone, celebrates the rise of a new generation of digital artists and […]

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The science of bread

January 9, 2017

Last week I spent some time researching “hydration” of bread dough. This morning I decided to apply, with some precision, the concepts I read about. The result — exactly as intended — a perfect loaf with a perfect crumb. After 4 years of baking a bread every 3 – 4 days — nurturing a sourdough starter since […]

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First morning view

January 7, 2017

south window — on ‘my side’ of the bed (click photograph for larger view) iPhone 6s

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Friday’s frozen front foyer

January 6, 2017

(click photograph for larger view) Leica R8/DMR, 50 mm Summilux

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4 x Christmas 2016

December 26, 2016

You can view more from these events and order prints Here (click photograph for larger view) Leica M, 50 mm Summilux Asph

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‘Tis the season…

December 22, 2016

Do you see what I see? / Do you hear what I hear? / Do you know what I know? / A child shivers in the cold. / See. Hear. Know. / Warmth. Peace. Everywhere. Always. / (click photograph for larger view) Leica R8/DMR, 100 mm Apo Macro Elmarit

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December 21, 2016

…the senses see, touch, look, feel to and fro zen (click photograph for larger view) Leica R8/DMR, 60 mm Macro Elmarit

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